Saturday, July 18, 2015

What is a blended classroom?

This year, things will be a little different in your child's class than you may be used to. Our class will implement a learning model known widely as a blended-classroom.  In short, a blended-classroom switches around the traditional order of teaching with the purpose of creating a more in depth and supportive environment in the classroom when the teacher is present and able to better support students. It allows for students to receive more individualized education, thus resulting in them understanding the content at a higher and deeper level than before. In addition, it challenges students to learn how to take charge of their learning, becoming resourceful learners. Lastly, it provides time for more discussion and questioning during class time, helping students to become reflective communicators and to think more deeply about the subject.

Blended learning integrates face-to-face classroom time with online learning (facilitated at all times by a classroom teacher), combining the effectiveness and socialization of the classroom with technology-enhanced online materials. It gets students up to speed and on track, challenging talented students and engaging individual learners in differentiated instruction. What’s more, the technology component inherent in a blended learning environment isn’t merely an attractive distraction, but an integral approach to acquiring knowledge and engaging in curriculum that’s simply second-nature for today’s 21st-century learner.

All materials will be available on Canvas and Weebly. Each class will also participate in our classroom podcast-collidingwithscience. Please look at Class On-Line Tools page to find out more information.